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Issue 19-9

"Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus."

Last year, at my brother’s invitation, David and I drove to Birmingham, Alabama, to a faith-and-healing conference. Due to diabetes, my sister-in-law, Mary Burton, has struggled with several small strokes that have left her disabled in some ways. Walking is perilous, and she uses a walker to stabilize her mobility.

Our circles of faith are not centered in the faith and healing ministries. No one I know would deny that being made whole, in a variety of ways, is a possible, or even imminent, work of the Holy Spirit. Right now, however, this is not the foremost emphasis of the theology of people who make up the devout circles of our friends and acquaintances.

However, David and I always attempt to be open to learning from the experiences of other believers.

Observers like ourselves at the Birmingham healing conference could not deny that there was a movement of the Lord. People were “slain in the Spirit.” There were overt and deeply felt exclamations of faith and praise. My husband and my brother even went forward for the laying on of hands as an expression of openness to God’s potential work in their lives, but nothing that we could identify happened for them. People with the legitimate gift of healing laid hands on my sister-in-law, and again, no healing that we could identify occurred. Yet, we were all glad we had made the effort to attend, traveling several hundred miles, just to be reminded that Christianity is broad and provides an umbrella for a wide variety of sincere expressions of belief practices.

One takeaway from this conference, however, was the prayer of a woman whose name I can’t remember and whose book I can’t find! She had been unusually used of the Lord to establish a home in Africa for hundreds of abandoned children. This evening, she shared how God had led her (with no funds and few backers) to establish a grade school, then a high school, for these street kids. Next, she was given the faith to believe that she could leverage scholarship positions for many of these kids at Stanford University in California. Which she did!

This was a remarkable faith-building story for all her listeners, but what I remember most is that upon being introduced to the audience, she fell to her knees and all she could say for a long five to seven minutes was, “Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus…” She was filled with an unaccountable love for our Lord. This moment for her was a visitation of praise. I had no doubt, as an observer, that she was authentic and had, in that moment, been overcome by the Holy Spirit.

This last month, on our podcast, Before We Go, we have been highlighting interviews conducted over the years with religious leaders from past years who are all now in heaven (probably praying the same prayer of worship themselves, “Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus…”). It was my husband’s privilege over twenty years of daily broadcasting nationwide through our past radio ministry, The Chapel of the Air, to interview extraordinary leaders of faith. Francis Schaeffer and J. Edwin Orr. Leonard Ravenhill and Helen Roseveare.

I have been deeply, deeply moved by listening again to these powerful interviews and so grateful that we have radio archives that allow us to again review the passion and love of Jesus of these past Christian leaders. Listening to the interviews with Helen Roseveare again made me examine my own faith. I confess that in light of her extraordinary emphasis on living a life, daily and in every moment, filled with the reality of Jesus Christ as its primary passion, I have needed to undergo some Holy Spirit-led self-examination.

I want a soul that sings, cries, exclaims Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. I want in these last days of my life to have all the passions for God renewed that I’ve had in previous decades. I want to live, no matter the cost, with Him as the heart-throbbing center of my soul.

In comparison to these stalwart ancestors of faith, I’m a wimp. Thank God we have some of the voices of the past to remind us of the driving dedication they experienced that is somewhat farther afield than the frankly all-too-contented disposition of many of us in American Christendom.

If you, too, want to be deeply moved, poignantly reminded, and stirred to a more passionate discipleship desire, click this link — — and give yourself time over a few weeks to listen to these podcasts. Then, given the isolation in this COVID-19 pause, ask God’s Spirit to whisper His meanings into your own soul.

We desperately need a nation of believers who are stirred to live and pray, Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus.

Karen Mains


HEADS-UP: 2021 Memoir Class

This spring of 2020, I offered a memoir-writing class and have some twelve people journeying with me as I learn with them about the profound possibilities of writing out our own stories. I charged $500 for several months of what has become ZOOM-centered coaching. Believe me, the interaction, the reviewing of written submissions, the personal exchanges have all made me believe that my time is worth every penny of that $500 fee!!

Needless to say, I have loved this journey with my writing friends. I find that I am learning a great deal myself about this particular kind of autobiographical effort and will be redesigning the classes so that I can more effectively help people tell their story in the future.

These memoir-writing classes will be offered again, God willing, starting in the spring of 2021. Knowing what I now know, I will be asking each participant to frame what is called a “coherent narrative” of his/her life. And, I will want that narrative submitted BEFORE the classes begin. If you are interested, start thinking of what your life-story summary might be.

The ZOOM app allows us to have a general meeting of many participants, then break into “pods” with smaller groups interacting.

In addition, although I don’t have much extra time, I am considering a manuscript-consulting outreach. There are various levels from “idea-only” to actual written pages to a pretty-much-finished draft product that I would be happy to look over. If you are interested, send me what is called a “query”—a page-long (or thereabouts) description of your idea. Then I can give you an estimate of what it will cost to give you professional coaching to bring your draft concept to a finished state.

I love seeing good ideas find fruition.

Don't Forget!

David and Karen Mains are podcasting. Their new show is called Before We Go. You can find more info about the podcast, and where to listen to it, at


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Karen Mains

Karen Mains

I want in these last days of my life to have all the passions for God renewed that I’ve had in previous decades. I want to live, no matter the cost, with Him as the heart-throbbing center of my soul.

Kisses From Katie: A Story of Relentless Love and Redemption
by Katie Davis Majors

This beautifully told story is a contemporary chronicle of one young woman’s life, turned upside-down by her love of Jesus and her love for the world. The back-cover copy reads:

“Katie Davis Majors left her Christmas break of her senior year for a short mission trip to Uganda and her life was turned completely inside out. She found herself so moved by the people of Uganda and the needs she saw that she knew her calling was to return and are for them. Katie, a charismatic and articulate young woman, adopted thirteen children in Uganda and has established a ministry, Amazima, that feeds and sends hundreds more to school while teaching them the Word of Jesus Christ. Kisses From Katie invites readers on a journey of radical love down the red dirt roads of Uganda…"
Book on

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