The Practice of Silence
A remarkable missionary, Darlene Rose, who had
been imprisoned on the island of Celebes during World War II,
remarkably impacted my life. Not only was she a person of outstanding
faith, she had seen God work under unimaginable circumstances. Actually
kneeling before her executioner who raised a sword to behead her, she
heard the words of Scripture whispered by the Holy Spirit. The words of
this Scripture promised she would be delivered. And she was.
story of Darlene Diebler Rose moved my soul, and in God’s great grace,
she spent a week in our home. One of the great lessons she taught me
was this: We take so much time talking to God that we don’t find any
time to learn how to hear Him speak to us.
After that
encounter with this remarkable woman, I began to set aside daily times
of silence, listening times in which I would ask: What is it You have to speak to me today, Lord?
I began to keep a prayer journal, to record my praises and my requests
and the things I heard when I listened. I began to go away regularly,
even with four children (or perhaps because of four children), for
private retreats of silence.
I became convinced that no deep
spiritual growth could occur in my life without the practice of silence
that allows us to develop the capacity of holy listening.
Souls began offering retreats of silence ten years ago. Our 24-Hour
Advent Retreat of Silence has regularly nurtured souls longing for
un-harassed moments when they could meet with God. We developed a 3-Day
Retreat of Silence and this year, for the first time, will offer—along
with the traditional 24-Hour Advent Retreat of Silence—an 8-Hour Advent
Retreat of Silence, for those who simply can’t get away for a full 24
Has there ever been a time in history when silence
was needed more? When humans had to fight for places away from noise?
When our souls shriveled from lack of hearing that Word of the Lord
spoken to our hearts?
I strongly recommend that you start
the church calendar year—which begins with Advent, the first week in
December—by attending one of these two choices. The first is the
annual 24-Hour Advent Retreat of Silence,
led by Tiffany Stamen under the auspices of Breathing Space Ministries
and is held at the Bishop Lane Retreat Center in Rockford, IL. This
retreat will begin on Friday, December 6 and end on Saturday, December 7 in the late afternoon.
24-HOUR ADVENT RETREAT OF SILENCE CLICK HERE for the Online Registration (fill out form online, send payment via PayPal) - OR CLICK HERE for the PDF Registration Form (print, complete, and send via snail-mail along with check)
The second is the 8-Hour Advent Retreat of Silence (time: 9 am to 5 pm), held on two dates—Thursday, December 3, and for those who can’t make a weekday, on Saturday, December 5. This will be conducted by Karen Mains and Melissa Mains Timberlake in the barn-house at Turtle Creek Acres.
8-HOUR ADVENT RETREAT OF SILENCE CLICK HERE for additional details and Online Registration (multiple payment options) You
can check out additional information with a few clicks, register
online, and pay the retreat fees as well. We’ve tried to make this as
user-friendly as possible.
Not enough time? Think of the
love and kindness through the years feely given by so many retreat
planners who have crowded their Thanksgiving celebrations, delayed
their own Christmas decorating, added a little more to their own work
or ministry schedules to provide these special occasions of quiet in
order that others might begin to develop or continue to develop their
practice of silence. We are in a world that, more than any other time
in history, is filled with extraordinary noise. You can’t afford not to
find the time.
Karen Mains
The Soulish Food e-mails are
posted biweekly on the Hungry Souls Web
site. Newcomers can look that over and decide if they want to
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want to recommend this to friends also. They can go to

Karen Mains
"I became convinced that no deep
spiritual growth could occur in my life without the practice of silence
that allows us to develop the capacity of holy listening."
24-Hour Retreat of Silence Friday, December 6 to Saturday, December 7
8-Hour Retreat of Silence Thursday, December 3 OR Saturday, December 5 (9 am to 5 pm both dates)